Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Who? What? WHY!?

I know what you’re thinking: Who is this guy, and why should I read whatever it is he’s writing about? And why did he make the title of his blog something that will have me losing the game every time I look at it?

There are some simple answers: I’m Brooks MacLachlan. You should read this because I’m great. And I couldn't think of anything else!

Or there are some better answers: I'm someone who for some reason thinks his obsession with reality competition shows like Survivor and Big Brother in recent years makes him qualified enough to judge those who are actually playing these games. You should read this because you also love Survivor and Big Brother. And I couldn't think of anything else!

I plan on analyzing everything I can: the episodes, secret scenes, interviews with eliminated players, the social media activity of the players, and more to come up with the motivations behind what each player has done. I’ll decide what should have happened, because I obviously know best, and I’ll predict what should and what will happen in each player’s future in the game. And I’ll probably get it right every time because that’s just how I am.

So, whether you are legitimately interested in what I have to say, or just want to wait for me to get something completely wrong so you can have a good laugh, enjoy! 

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